Wellcome Guest


Price: $144

File Title War Cabinet Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee Memoranda. November - December 1942. Papers Numbers. JIC 461-525. Volume XXII Reference CAB 81/112 Date 1 November 1942 - 31 December 1942; Description A volume of reports commissioned for the Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee (JIC). The JIC was formed of representatives from the intelligence services, the armed services, and the Foreign Office. Its purpose was to assess military, security, and foreign policy requirements and coordinate Britain’s intelligence organisations accordingly. A vast range of international and domestic issues are investigated and analysed in the JIC’s reports. Subjects covered in this file include German strategy, military organisation, and manpower; defects and problems with security for the Dieppe Raid and Operation Torch; chemical warfare; German, French, and Italian morale; German oil production and shortage problems; the possibility of a Germ...


Price: $225

File Title War Cabinet. Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee. Meetings. January - December 1943. Numbers 1-65. Volume V Reference CAB 81/91 Date 1943 Government Department Cabinet Office Description A volume of meeting minutes of the Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee (JIC). The JIC was formed of representatives from the intelligence services, the armed services, and the Foreign Office. Its purpose was to assess military, security, and foreign policy requirements and coordinate Britain’s intelligence organisations accordingly. The JIC members discussed a vast range of international and domestic issues in their meetings. In this file, subjects documented include the organisation of the British intelligence services; allied cooperation; communications security, censorship, and the leakage of information; reports on the Dieppe Raid (Operation Jubilee); security arrangements for Operation Torch; the interrogation of prisoners; assessments o...


Price: $225

File Title War Cabinet Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee Memoranda. March - May 1943. Papers Numbers. JIC 101-200. Volume XXIV Reference CAB 81/114 Date 1 March 1943 - 31 May 1943 Government Department Cabinet Office ; Description A volume of reports commissioned for the Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee (JIC). The JIC was formed of representatives from the intelligence services, the armed services, and the Foreign Office. Its purpose was to assess military, security, and foreign policy requirements and coordinate Britain’s intelligence organisations accordingly. A vast range of international and domestic issues are investigated and analysed in the JIC’s reports. Subjects covered in this file include British strategy in North Africa and the Mediterranean; the Axis withdrawal from Tunisia; the possibility of launching attacks on Italy from Sicily and the possibility of an Italian collapse; censorship of postal communications; J...